A Model Father

“….But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15(NKJV)

The Apostles had begun their ministry to the Jews after they had been baptised with the Holy Spirit. God’s plan was for the Gospel to reach the gentiles. Just like how God found Mary, He found a gentile family that was ready to be a part of the Christian Church (Acts 10). The father of this family was Cornelius. It was said of him, “He and all his family were devout and God-fearing.” These words describe a father who is a role model. The words of Joshua were definitely in his heart. He led his family in a manner resulting in them finding favour with God and man. Cornelius was respected by the Jews, the soldiers who worked under him and his friends. What an example and testimony of a father!

As a result of Cornelius’ charity and his consistent prayer life, God said, “I heard your prayers.” God answered by performing a series of miracles that resulted in the Apostle Peter going to Cornelius’ home. At this point, Cornelius, his family and close friends were all gathered (v24). What followed was marvellous and miraculous. Peter preached and the Holy Spirit fell on those who had gathered to welcome Peter and other believers. What a testimony for all! God is no respecter of persons, and He knows all who are His.

God is the same as in the olden days and He can do the same today. An entire family was grafted into the Family of God because of the obedience and faithfulness of a father. The family was blessed, friends were blessed, the immediate community was blessed, the gentile community received a testimony of a lifetime! 

Fathers rise! You can do it. God is on your side. He is our Heavenly Father and feels and understands your hurts, fears, and limitations. He’s always there. Just call on Him, He will do the miraculous.

Read: Acts 10; Psalm 103:13; Proverbs 20:7

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 33:1-11; Mark 16; Leviticus 25; Leviticus 26:1-13

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